I just started this website. It will be ready in a months depending on how long it takes to learn how frames work. please come back then. There will be pages about my favorite things (scifi on tv) and my favorite video games like NFL Blitz and Blasto and my all time favorite Zoop. And I will show pictures of the 1996 Minnesota Zoop tournament where i won 2nd place in the Jaguar division! Please come back in novembler 1998!
pages on this site
other peoples pages i like
scifi links
- lurkers guide to babytlon 5
- mulder and scully on irc fanfic (scully, i use irc for real!!)
- lukums sci-Fi page for XFiles, Star Wars, Babylon 5, etc
- the grey ring (x-files webring)
- dark sckies cancellation conspiracy
- dark skies cancellation conspiracy
- star trek dimension
- To be DIScontinued: unresolved tv cliffhangers
video game links
webtv links
random links
- new hartford, MN (i'd like to live here when i grow up)
- cards by mouse
- stars
- how to use pIRCh irc program (my favorite)
- coolboy's ultra cool homepage
- big top productions
- rich kotite (we need a page like this for denny green)
- internet 1996 world exposition
- travels with samantha
- Seinaholic
- Seinfilled
- Christian extreme metal
- dubunkers domain
- bruce's halloween links
- 80's Angst Teen movie Site